August 16, 2014

Operation Ghetto Storm: police killings of blacks in the US

"Operation Ghetto Storm" details how every 28 hours someone inside the United States, employed or protected by the U.S. government, kills a Black child, woman or man. These state-sanctioned killings are the casualties of what the Committee calls "Operation Ghetto Storm", a perpetual war to invade, occupy and pacify Black communities ― much like the U.S. invades and occupies the Middle East. This report clearly lays out a horrifying aspect of the domestic half of civilization, which anthropologist Stanley Diamond says "originates in conquest abroad and repression at home."

Going beyond a compilation of raw statistics and details of killings from 2012-2013, the report, written by Arlene Eisen and with a preface by Kali Akuno, gives important background context and analysis of how racism manifests throughout US society.

Download the Operation Ghetto Storm report, or visit the report's publisher, Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, for more information. Then participate in and support anti-racist organizing and trainings in your area.

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